Friday, January 12, 2007

We made a baby!

I realize that, aside from the various woodworking projects described below, we haven't really given the full run-down on the BIG craft project. I'll spare you the details of the first steps of the project- we don't have photos of that, anyway. Also, if you need info on the whole mitosis/meiosis thing that took place between mid-March and this past week, you'll have to look it up yourself. I'm not sure I totally get that, but I think it was mostly mitosis. Or maybe meiosis. I don't know. We didn't go over that at urban planning school.

As most of you readers have probably heard, I had an incredibly easy pregnancy, so there's not much to report in that regard. I really had none of the yucks that often bother ladies in a delicate condition, until really late in the game. Month after month, week after week, the midwife wrote absolutely nothing on my chart at my regular weigh-ins- there just wasn't anything to write, aside from the usual weight and blood pressure stuff. My medical record from this pregnancy is one mostly blank sheet of paper. To celebrate our anniversary in October, we went bike riding around Block Island with 7 months of baby-in-progress on board, and the weather this year made it pretty easy to keep on with our weekend beach and nature preserve walks mostly right up to the end.

I don't remember who it was who told me that "the baby comes when you just can't stand it any more, and then you wait two more weeks." As Z's due date got closer and closer, I kept feeling like, "This isn't such a big deal. Who are these people who just can't stand it any more?" Just around the last week in December, just about when I went on leave from work because the baby was supposed to show up any day, I got this itchy rash on my stomach. Then my arms were continuously asleep, I got too winded to make much more than a lap and a half waddling around the park, I woke up one morning and said "Holy crap, are my feet fat!" and I actually outgrew my maternity clothes. I thought, "I just can't stand it any more!" And then we waited two more weeks. And then we waited another 4 days, just 'cuz.

Stay tuned for the exciting conclusion, coming soon. . .

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