Saturday, January 20, 2007

The Many Faces of Zora





Oh, there's many, many more.

PS. I actually do call her my "Li'l Lou Grant," though R. disapproves.


Unknown said...

You know, Carrie and I just watched The Fifth Element last night and I was struck that we're all really lucky that the Supreme Being turned out to be Milla Jovovich and not Abe Vigoda.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if cG uses that authoritative Ted Baxter voice, when calling Zora, LOOOUU!!!

cG said...

I swear, if I were a seamster I would make her a little business shirt with sleeves rolled up-- and super-wide tie.

I'd have to do something to make her forearms look hairy, but really, she's a dead ringer for (Mary): MR. GRAAAAAANT!

R said...

J- And, thank goodness, not Ed Asner, either. Although I do have a particular softspot for Mr. Asner, the ol' pinko.

Doc- This may all explain my compulsion to bring Z a jelly donut and a cup of coffee every morning. Also, my sudden drive to wear zippy pantsuits.