Saturday, December 23, 2006

Hum dee dum. . .

Still sitting on my butt, and getting seriously bored at this point. I've had some passing crampy things, but that's been going on for the past 2 days or so, so not really worth paying my attention to, in my book.

We're going to a second-run theater in E. Providence tonight to wile away the time some. I proposed going for Portuguese dinner while we were over there, which was greeted with resounding indifference by C. So I threw out, "There's a good Korean place. . ." and got no response whatsoever. Because you know who is mostly nonplussed by most Asian food? My husband. And you know who could eat Asian food in all its permutations almost every day of the year? Me. Maybe this whole "marriage" thing was ill-considered.

Throughout this pregnancy, I have been especially into all things spicy and salty. And what's spicier and saltier than Korean? Not much (well, there is Portuguese). My mother says I'll know I'm about to have the baby when I just don't feel like eating. Burrito yesterday, latkes last night (then left over and re-heated for breakfast today. The main reason we decided to have children is so someone's around to eat all my over-cooking. See "Latkes for 2" above), and now I'm jonesing Portuguese or Korean. Hmm. It might be some time before this chil' shows up, after all.

In other news, Eric and Moira at the corner store came up with their perfect name for Bebe Zee: De'Cor Ambiance Erica. Hm. In light of this excellent suggestion, C and I will have to seriously discuss reassessing the name we thought we had settled on.

By the way- Potato/Zucchini latkes? Awesome.

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