Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Enough already!


Still nothing to report on this front. I've got a list of errands to run today, including stopping by at the office, paying some bills, and the grocery store. I somehow didn't think grocery shopping would be on my agenda this week, but nothing, I mean NOTHING seems to be happening as far as this baby is concerned. I have my regular weekly doctor's appointment scheduled for tomorrow at 4:00. I don't want to go, so I've given baby a new deadline of 3:30 tomorrow.

C and I decided to keep the blog for all audiences for now, so sorry if you feel like you are missing out on some of my juicier viewpoints. We're going to primarily use it as a place to post baby pictures (when there are any to post) and take it from there. For now, only one of you out there even knows this exists- I suppose we should spread the word.

My husband has taken to wearing this wool vest my parents got him for Chanukah, every day. He is my very cute mulatto Paul Bunyan. (Wait, is that All Audiences? I just don't know any more.)

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