Sunday, October 26, 2008

Halloween Parade

This is Z without her ears on doing her best lion growl.

Yesterday they held a little Halloween Party at the park. There was face-painting, beanbag tossing, sugary snacks, a pet costume contest (ugh), punkin'-chuckin' trebuchet, mutant elephants, potato people, a human fly and a giant ear of corn. Typical Providence.

Before she went away for the weekend, Rachel put together a cute little lion/cat costume for Zora. I bungled the whiskers, but most everyone got it. Some people called out "bear," so I had to show them her tail, but everyone thought it was cute.

A few photos from my camera (it's still on life support).

So there was a costume parade, which Z took very seriously. She insisted on walking most of it and had a shaker that she kept going most of the time. The Corn Guy led the parade and the Elephant and Potato guys showed up midway. I'm sorry I don't have any pictures of their arrival, because it was pandemonium. Some kids burst into tears and some attacked them. It was a good show.

Tail end of the parade, where the insistent short-strides coagulated.

Here she is with another neighborhood toddler, Kyle. I've never known a kid (he's a few months older than Zora) who can speak like he can. I swear he uses the subjunctive better than I do.


The arrival of the Elephant Guy.


She fell asleep on the walk home, of course.

1 comment:


hands down, you guys have the best blog ever. --ianna