... In virtual terms, anyway. We have sort of migrated a lot of Z-related stuff to Facebook. It's a hassle if you don't have an account, and I know some people don't like Facebook, but it's kind of a nice service, and a little easier to post pictures and videos of Z and, well, other stuff. It costs nothing to sign up... JOIN US. GOBBLE GOBBLE, GOBBLE GOBBLE, ONE OF US! ONE OF US!
Please come on over and friend Rachel or me and get caught up! That is if anyone ever looks here any more. If so, thanks for thinking of us! Here's some recent stuff from August 09: a bike ride and a typical Zora in hot weather situation...
CASE IN POINT: THE MOVIE NEVER LOADED AFTER AN HOUR OF A SPINNING WHEEL. There's a better way to do this, y'all. Come see us on Facebook!